Forks: 0
Stars: 0
- Technologies: Android, CNN.
- Developed smart application to detect food calories.
- Designed an adaptive UI to track calories intake.
Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy
Forks: 0
Stars: 0
- Technologies: CNN, Image Processing, Medical Image Segmentation.
- Trained a classifier to detect 5 stage of diabetic retinopathy.
- Achieved accuracy of 78%.
TwitterLytics: Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Forks: 0
Stars: 1
- Technologies: Java Stream API, Sprint Boot, Unit Testing
- Web application using Spring Boot. Used reactive programming practices.
- Fetched tweets using twitter api and performed sentiment analysis.
Covid 19 Cases Prediction and Analysis
Forks: 0
Stars: 0
- Technologies: Jupyter Notebook, Graphlab, Docker, Distributed System.
- Created distributed system to scrap, transform US covid19 data using graphlab and docker.
- Developed jupyter notebook and performed covid 19 analysis using graphlab.
Samsung Galaxy J720f [TeamExyKings] [TWRP]
Forks: 0
Stars: 0
- TWRP 3.3.1-0 Support for Samsung Galaxy J7 Duo
- Everything Works Except HW Encryption
- Join TeamExyKings Channel over telegram for futher updates.
Segmentation Based Semantic Matting
Forks: 2
Stars: 9
- This project is unofficial implementation of paper Instance Segmentation based Semantic Matting for Compositing Applications. [Paper].
TFjs to TFlite Converter for Posenet
Forks: 6
Stars: 5
- This project provides ready to use script to convert Posenet Tensorflow JS models to Tensorflow Lite model.
- Only outputStride, inputResolution and multipler paramters can be customized.
Forks: 0
Stars: 0
- This project is the official implementation of paper 3D Holographic and Interactive Artificial Intelligence System. [Paper]